Study Tour: Art as an Engine for Peace


The “Art as an Engine for Peace” study tour examines how fine art in Israel manages to promote the basic human values that transcend social and psychological boundaries. Jewish/Arab coexistence and dialogue will be explored through artists in action. The programme also deals with issues of identity, place, time and individual’s work in an age of global culture…

During the study tour we will observe artistic activities that serve as an effective tool for replacing old patterns of mistrust and prejudice with a new language of universal humanism connecting individuals and groups.

Tours: Beit Hagefen, An Arab Jewish Centre, operating on municipal, national and international levels, founded to create a social and cultural meeting place with a safe and convivial atmosphere for both Jews and Arabs. Ein Hod, An artists‘ colony situated on the site of the Palestinian village of Ein Hawd. The visit will be an introduction to the artists and museums and how they deal with the delicate political situation. Givat Haviva, an NGO that implements a variety of projects that link the creative forces of divergent
communities in order to generate dialogue and cooperation among all age groups. Givat Haviva is a winner of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education for its longstanding work in promoting Jewish-Arab dialogue and reconciliation.

The main event is The Second Mediterranean Biennial: “Re-orientation”, to be held in Sakhnin. This is the first time that this has been held in an Arab city. Sakhnin is located in the Lower Galilee; an area that is usually on the fringe of the main art and culture scene, the biennial attracts both professionals and members of public who don’t usually visit museums and galleries.

During the study tour we will visit the local Israeli and Palestinian artists in Northern Israel.

Ms. Shoshi Norman, the Director of the Centre of Middle East and Religions Studies, with a back ground of Museum Studies in the Tel Aviv University is the Academic Director and will be delivering overview presentations to give participants the necessary background.

Number of places is limited; the registration is open from 10th June until 10th September. The price is dependent on occupancy preferences: US$ 2,100 for a double room and US$ 2,350 for a single room. This amount covers: airport transfers, full accommodation at GIMI Study Centre on Kibbutz Mizra, meals taken in local restaurants, study tours: transport, entrance fees and guides.

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