Rote Farbe: Sderot Media


Die immer wieder unter Kassam-Beschuss stehende israelische Kleinstadt Sderot ist übrigens ein Zentrum der neueren israelischen Popmusik. Von hier kommt z.B. Kobi Os von der Gruppe TipEx (TeaPacks)…


On the second day of school in Sederot, September 3, Palestinians launch another barrage of rocket attacks against the Israeli town of Sederot. As the „Color Red“ missile warning system is heard, and children scramble to the safety or the school, a rocket lands about 100 yards from the school.


Tal Avitan

See what happens in the city of Sderot when a Qassam missile is on it’s way in the air. It’s been more than six years now, of Qassam terror attacks.


Sderot is an Israeli city located nearly three miles from the Gaza Strip border. Since Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza on summer 2005, hundreds of rockets have slammed into the town and other nearby Jewish communities, fired by Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants. For years the entire city of Sderot is terrorized by anxiety. I guess there is no media coverage in the absence of blood.

Kobi Oz (Teapacks) on a walk at haGalil Street…


haGalil Street is in the area of the old central bus-station in tel-aviv…
more by tipex, kobi oz, sarit hadad and others…