Jerusalem Tage in Prag


Ein Festival mit Tanz, Musik, Film, Malerei und Gastronomie vom 13.-22-06…

Broad by its range of thematic and genre diversity unique festival Days of Jerusalem in Prague continues to carry the messages of last years successful Days of Prague in Jerusalem and it gives the first representative and compact picture of Israeli culture and Jerusalem abroad.

For example: c.a.t.a.m.o.n dance group

13/6 19:00 – 20:00 – Nostický palác
14/6 19:00 – 20:00 – Nostický palác
15/6 19:00 – 20:00 – Nostický palác

The c.a.t.a.m.o.n dance group is a new project founded and managed by Elad Schechter in Jerusalem. It was born out of the realization that in Jerusalem, a world center of history and culture, there is very little activity in the field of dance. This is in spite of the fact that Israel is internationally recognized as having a thriving dance community.

The c.a.t.a.m.o.n group is the solution to the lack of an active dance scene in Jerusalem. Its goal is to respond to the moral and artistic imperatives that demand the revival and unification of the complex cultural worlds of Jerusalem, a place that represents an eternal microcosm of the world, and contains within it issues universal to all mankind.The founding of the c.a.t.a.m.o.n Dance Group is a step on the way towards the creation of a fresh young cultural organization, whose goal will be the establishment of a continuous dialog with Jerusalem audiences of all kinds, and presenting this dialog to audiences worldwide. The driving force behind this body will be the uniqueness of the city of Jerusalem and the great inspiration it provides its inhabitants at all times.The first piece of the c.a.t.a.m.o.n Dance group is a trilogy in dance. This piece is a bold attempt to find an honest and clear physical language which communicates through metaphors, symbols and perfect geometric shapes – such as the “flower of life” and the “tree of life.”

These symbols have appeared in Jewish culture and in many other cultures throughout history, and have always been connected to sources of holy energy, used for both physical and spiritual transcendence.


Alpha Beta – Pre-Premiere

Choreography: Elad Shechter, c.a.t.a.m.o.n Dance Group.
Dancers: Sofi Kranz and Elad Shechter.
Music: Adi Hayat.
Costume: Sofia Kranz.
Length: 12 min.

What does a person have other than himself, his heritage, his decisions.
This is a story about a man and a woman. Both were raped to this world. Both choose well. Each one carries a secret that threatens to erupt.

The work is based on the biblical book “Alpha Beta De Ben Sira’. It is presented as a preview performance.

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