Videos: Chanukah in Deutschland 2011


Chanukka Clips u.ä. aus Berlin, München, Tel Aviv…

MendelsonX zu Chanukka


Chanukah in München


Rabbi Walter Rothschild, Andrea Chudak, Karsten Troyke. Maos Zur, Chanukka Spezial, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz





Go to a Jewdyssee show and be prepared for something uniquely different. Jazz, swing and pop from one side and folky Yiddish music from the other. This fusion explodes from the speakers in a wonderfully eclectic club sound that sends the audience to its feet in a hurry.
Just another Jewish band you say? This German duo is out to prove you wrong.
Born to a German Jewish mother and an Israeli father, Maya Saban has been fine-tuning her exquisite vocal chords from the age of 7. After establishing herself in the Berlin music scene, she sought to connect her musical world with her strong Jewish roots. Enter Walera Goodman; a non-Jewish Russian bandleader turned DJ who put his beats to Mayas lyrics, creating the distinctive Jewdyssee sound.

Chanukka Song


aus Wien: Theodor Bikel al haNisim…


…und in Tel Aviv


Drosche zu Chanukah: haOr haganus