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Calls on PM Barak: 
The people are ready 
for a historical decision


Press release, July 20, 2000
The Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) movement renews its "Jerusalem, Capital of the Two States" campaign.

This campaign was started, in the year 1995, when there still seemed to be among the Jewish public a total taboo on such ideas, and the delusionary concept of a unilaterally "united" Jerusalem was considered a concensus. But Gush Shalom nevertheless succeeded in getting 875 public figures, leading intellectuals and artists to agree publicly that:

"Our Jerusalem must be united, open to all and belonging to all its inhabitants, without borders and barbed-wire in its midst.

Our Jerusalem must be the capital of the two states that will live side by side in this country - West Jerusalem the capital of the State of Israel and East Jerusalem the capital of the State of Palestine."

[Full text in Hebrew, Arabic and German]

Today the false concensus about a "United Jerusalem" - which was as distant from being actually united, as rape is from love - is now visibly fragmenting and crumbling, as evident even in Barak's own proposal for municipal autonomy of the city's Arab neighborhoods. But the Prime Minister is still hesitant to take the next logical and indispensable step: accepting already now that East-Jerusalem will be the capital of Palestine while Israel will have its capital in West-Jerusalem. So, because of clinging to the remnants of an old, bancrupt ideology PM Barak is now putting at risk the chance for peace, with the possibility that the disappointment will result in a renewed cycle of violence and bloodshed taking a terrible toll from both peoples - which incidentally would mean the end of Barak's own political career as well.

The campaign of Gush Shalom is aimed at mobilizing public support for the concept of Jerusalem as capital of two states and convincing the government that the Israeli public is indeed ripe to accept it, to give up in favour of peace a fictional Israeli sovereignty in neighborhoods where in any case hardly any Israeli ever sets foot. In the main Israeli papers of tomorrow will appear ads, and bumper stickers "Jerusalem, Capital of the Two States" are being prepared.

Further details: spokesperson Adam Keller, ph: +972-(0)3-5565804

Immer mehr Hoffnung aus Camp David:
Irushalajim - Birath haSchalom!
Geteilte Realitäten in der 'Heiligen Stadt':
Freier Zugang und unüberwindbare Grenzen

Das Oberrabbinat Jerusalem und die Frage zum Tempelberg:
Irushalajim und die Tage des Moshiach

Nahost-Gipfel in Camp David:
Barak wird auf jeden Fall teilnehmen

Radio Kol Rega - Radio Irushalajim
Radio Darom - Radio Lew haMedinah
Radio Emza haDerekh

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -

Gush Shalom
Gush Shalom
P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 Phone 972-3-5221732

Stop priviligation of the Settlements!
Ask the Gush office for the list of products by mail, telephone or e-mail.
Every Shekel for the Settlements
is a Shekel against peace!

"Remet Tarom" aluminium products
are produced in Adumim settlement.
No settlement is legal. Period.

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