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The Settlement Boycott gathers momentum

More than a hundred thousand Israelis are already boycotting the products of the settlements. They know that the settlements are fatal land-mines blocking the way to peace.

The boycott was organized by Gush Shalom nine months ago as an Israeli citizens’ campaign. It is an action of self-defense against those who would push us into a new war. Many citizens have joined. Lately, the leadership committee of the Arab citizens in Israel has also done so.

The settlers and their stooges in the media have exploited this fact in order to make believe that the boycott is a fight of Arabs against Jews. This is a conscious lie, made possible by the systematic effort of the rightist media to ignore the actions of the Israeli peace forces, Jewish and Arab alike.

The real fight is not between Jews and Arabs, but between the peace forces of both peoples against the war-mongers and peddlers of hate of both peoples.

Gush Shalom will take part in a torch parade of the peace forces in Jerusalem against the "festival" of the Ateret Cohanim settlers. The parade will start at 7.30 P.M. at the Prime Minister’s residence.

Get the settlers out of East Jerusalem!

Gush Shalom buses in Tel-Aviv will leave for Jerusalem at 5.30 P.M. from Arlosorov railway station.

Gush Shalom ad, Haaretz, June 26, 1998.

 ramkol-g.gif (1772 Byte)
Nur 30kB als RealAudi-File

Ask for the lists of the products by phone, mail or web site of Gush Shalom. Every Shekel for the settlements is a shekel against peace!

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(K170-ë åìãåâù wav õáå÷)

Download our new Jingle (in Hebrew) "every settler costs..."
The Jingle is approx 170Kb in wav format.

ra-free.gif (1359 Byte)

Earlier Statement - úîãå÷ä äòãåîì
Table of Contents: Gush haShalom - íåìùä ùåâ :ïëåú

Texte bei á úåòãåîì


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