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Two youngsters from the educational institution in Bet Haggai settlement have murdered an Arab passer-by for fun. The two young Golsteins appeared in court shrouded in prayer shawls. The settlers, and the police officers allied with them, went out of their way to describe the crime as a "practical joke", in which the Palestinian "lost his life". They paid the usual lip-service to "condemnation".

Bet Haggai settlement has spread fear throughout the Hebron area. It was this settlement that urged the army to destroy time and again the home of the nearby al-Atrash family.

Sending youngsters from all over the country to be educated by these "educators" is a crime by itself, like appointing a pyromaniac as chief of the fire brigade.

Whoever is responsible for this crime is the real murderer. Closing this educational institution is the only valid response.

This week, when an ultra-rightist was elected student chief of Bar-Ilan, the university of Yigal Amir and Margaltit Har-Shefi, is another road-sign on the way to perdition.

Gush Shalom, haAretz, June 19, 1998

Der Kommentar bezieht sich auf folgende MELDUNG.

The National Boycott
of the Products of the Settlements goes on.

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