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According to the agreement, Tarkumia was to be a terminal of peace on the "safe passage" road between Gaza and Hebron. A terminal for workers, students, tradesmen, intellectuals and visitors.

In the reality shaped by Netanyahu, Tarkumia is a war-front, a place of death and bereavement. Three Palestinian workers were killed there by soldiers this week.

Every day, dozens of road-blocks create enmity, hatred and resistance. Thousands of Palestinians, men and woman, children and old people, experience there harassment, humiliation, and sometimes physical abuse.

What happened at Tarkumia road-block can happen every day, any hour, at any road-block.

But the real road-block is the man responsible for all the road-block: Binjamin Netanyahu.

Gush Shalom in Ha’aretz , 13-03-98.

Report 13-03-98

Gush Salom delegation visited the families of the three Palestinians Killed at Tarkumia

A large delegation (16 people) of Gush Shalom has visited today (Friday 13 March) the families of the three Palestinian workers killed by soldiers at Tarkumiya Checkpoint.

As Israeli citizens, in whose name the soldiers supposedly acted, we regard it as our duty to offer the families our condolences, and to condemn the killings. This is all the more incumbent upon us due to the insensitivity of Prime Minister Netanyahu, who explicitly admitted that the three were innocent victims - and nevertheless did not see fit to visit the families in person, as King Hussein did with the families of the Israeli girls killed by a Jordanian soldier.

The Gush Shalom movement demands that investigation of the Tarkumiya killings be entrusted to an independent body in which both Israel and the Palestinian Authority will take part, that testimonies be taken from Palestinian eyewitnesses and that the investigation cover the role of the officers in charge and higher up the hierarchy, as well as of the soldiers who actually fired the shots. The Army's investigation of its own misdeeds lacks any credibilty - for Israelis, Palestinians or anybody else in the world. And would the government of Israel dare to go on accusing the Palestinian Authority of a so-called "revolving door policy" when the two soldiers detained had been released within less than twenty-four hours, and there is no intention to put them on trial?

In the view of Gush Shalom, the source of the problem is in the very existence of Israeli roadblocks on the Palestinian roads - which is one of the most concrete and severe manifestations of ongoing Israeli occupation.

Sending a handful of Israeli soldiers to regularly control and curtail the freedom of movement of tens of thousands of Palestinians is a recipe for disaster - it leads both to daily harassment of commuting Palestinians by soldiers and to such tragedies as happened at Tarkumiya. The soldiers just should not be there.

Zur 9.Münchner Buchmesse:
Uri Avnery in München

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Jeder Siedler kostet den Staat eine halbe Million NIS im Jahr - Tatsache!

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