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Jüdische Weisheit

Olivenöl als Brotaufstrich:
Oliveoil Spread

It would be no exaggeration to state that the western consumer's nutritional habits and diet, constitute among the dominant risk factors for a list of fatal diseases, particularly various forms of cancer and heart diseases.

Most of the foods we eat are processed and have, consequently, lost their natural properties and assumed potentially harmful qualities. One typical example is margarine in all its variations.

In order to modify it into a solid state, the vegetable fat in margarine undergoes a process of hydrogenation, thereby raising the quantity of saturated acids as well as trans-configurated acids, which constitute potential health risks.

A change in fat consumption habits is essential to improve health. It has long been known that modifying the fat composition in the diet from predominantly saturated animal fats or polyunsaturated fats to monounsaturated, unrefined fats, is essential to good health.

Olive oil composition is best suited to the human physiology. Natural, top quality (extra virgin) olive oil is a genuinely therapeutic food, due to its fatty acid composition and high content of natural antioxidants.

In order to increase consumption of olive oil, while at the same time lowering the intake of polyunsaturated and refined oils (soybean, corn, sunflower) and saturated fats (butter), we have developed in collaboration with a Technion scientist, a spreadable olive oil containing no other oil, synthetic colors, preservatives or water. We have added natural garlic, basil and oregano essences to produce a variety of flavors. The olive oil in the product did not undergo any structural change during processing and as such retains all of its original beneficial qualities.

The spread can be used to replace margarine and butter, and to make olive oil more accessible and convenient for use by children and people unable to drink olive oil. The spread does not contain sugar and is suitable for persons with diabetes. It contains no salt, and thus does not present a risk to people with high blood pressure.

For questions or comments, please contact us.

  • Lotion Body Lotion 200 ml a € 19,60
  • Massage Oil 100 ml a € 16,00
  • Cream for very dry skin 50 ml a € 20,80
  • Cream for regular skin 50 ml a € 19,90
  • Olive Oil for Scalp Massage 100 ml a € 16,50
  • Dehydrated Skin Oil 100 ml a € 16,50
  • Olive Oil 750 ml a € 15,50
  • Olive Oil Spread 160 g a € 4,65
    (Natur, Basilikum, Oregano, Knoblauch)
  • Olive Oil + Omega 3 Spread 160 g a € 4,95

Die angegebenen Preise können sich noch ändern.
Informationen unter:

Something about Oils:
Olive Spread plus Omega-3
If our body systems are to function normally, we must make sure that 30% of the daily calories that we expend, come from a fatty source...

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Body- and Scalp Massage, Psoriasis...

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