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Urlaub in Israel


Country Inn - Zimmerim:
Pninah ba'Emek

Kibbutz Massada - Jordan Valley

wpe2.jpg (6361 Byte)Are you planning a visit in Israel ?

Come to Kibbutz Massada located in the beautiful Jordan Valley near the Sea of Galilee - and you will not be sorry.

The Kibbutz is centrally located in Israel. From here it is easy to reach the town of Tiberias, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the Golan Hights and the Upper Galilee. Also the archeological sites of Beit Shean and others are not far from here.

wpe3.jpg (5379 Byte)You come home tired from your trip - you can rest up here, watch TV and have a cup of coffee made in the small kitchen. For your convenience there is also a refrigerator in each apartment

Parking and Bar-B-Q corner are provided and in the summer you will find a beautiful swimming pool.

You can make a short tour to the Hot Springs of Hamat Gader and bathe in the warm water swimming pool. You can also watch the alligators there - (not in the swimming pool)

Want to have a rest or go to sleep at night - a beautiful large bedroom is waiting for you.

And don't worry, a very good breakfast will be brought into your room or will be served in the Dining Room and is included in the price.

Nearby you can find our Mall Meitav Massada to buy sporting goods, films, picnic articles, clothes, toys and gifts. There are also other shops for food, shoes and all kinds of desire.

To contact us here are the details:
Tel: 972-4-6657231 Fax: 972-4-6657241

KibbutzMail address: Kibbutz Massada
M.P.Emek Hayarden Zip 15140 ISRAEL

Holidays in the Galilee
Pictures from the surroundings
of Kibbutz Masadah


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