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Ein zoroastrischer Blick:
Die momentane Situation im Nahen Osten

I had a great deal of respect for Benjamin Nethanyahu when he was still a freshman in Israeli politics. I found him to be forthright with an inherent sense of fair-play. At the time I felt he was the one person, besides Anwar Sadat , who if given the freedom to translate his words to action, would bring peace to the region. My opinion has changed dramatically since his election. Up to this point in time, he was either hiding his true beliefs and presenting a facade to the world, or he never possessed the “chutzpah” to stand up to religious fanatics within his own country. It’s tragic.

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I am a Zoroastrian by faith. Due to religious persecution by the Arabs in Iran 1500 years ago, some of us left that country to preserve our heritage. So it takes “chutzpah” to say that in spite of the militancy that Islam represents, I still say that people of different faiths can live in peace. I can understand the Palestinian frustration at the thought of peace having eluded them when it just a hand-shake away. And I can also understand the inherent Israeli distrust of anything non-Semite.

But giving up a few more acres of land than previously agreed upon is not going to make so great a difference. The Zoroastrian creed is a universal creed. Its simple, but extremely difficult to practice - Good Thoughts, Good, Words, Good Deeds. We have been practicing it for 7,000 years.

Why not display a sense of empathy. Why not share the promised land. When we die we are not going to take anything material with us anyway. So why not do some good while we are still here.’Netanyahu. Who knows - he might still attain the same stature as Yitzak Rabin.
Mr. Nethanyahu should try it for luck.

Noshir Mullafiroze


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