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Sehenswürdigkeiten Galiläas / See Genezareth:
haKinereth - Das Meer von Galiläa
Twerjah / Tiberias

Kinereth: Östl. Strand 10kB

Einsame Strände am östlichen Ufer des Kinereth, die Berge gehören zum Golan.

Kinereth: Östl. Strand 13kB

The Sea of Galilee is a harp-shaped lake set in the sun-drenched Jordan Valley and framed by lush vegetation and imposing mountains. The character of the lake surface is ever changing, different at each hour. The Sea of Galilee is Israel's largest freshwater lake and is fed by underground springs, but mostly by the Jordan River.

It lies 200 meters below sea level, and is the major source of fresh water for the whole of Israel. Fresh water, a warm climate, and fertile soil have made the lake shores a virtual paradise since ancient times, from prehistoric man to the first modern pioneers.

The Sea of Galilee lies on the ancient "Via Maris", linking Egypt and Mesopotamia. Greek, Jewish and Roman towns flourished here. At the turn of this century, Jewish pioneers restored the area to its ancient fruitfulness. Today the land is intensively farmed.

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Wenn im Kibbutz Masadah keine Wohnung mehr frei ist,
findet Chawa trotzdem was für Sie, z.Bsp. im Kibbutz Afikim (Wohnanlage 'Afikej Nof'), in der Villa Moyal oder in Manara.

Villa Moyal Manara Recreation Afikim Holiday

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