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Holiday Village

Green in the Desert

A desert oasis 25 minutes from Jerusalem and 5 minutes from the Dead Sea is the Kibbutz Almog Tourism Center.

Surrounding the lush grounds of the kibbutz is a breathtaking ancient landscape, and within the kibbutz itself the atmosphere is relaxed, rural, tranquil. Whichever direction you come from on the way to the Dead Sea, wherever you are planning to stay in the area, Kibbutz Almog is close by.

Kibbutz Almog was founded in 1979 by a group of kibbutz-born young people and belongs to the United Kibbutz Federation (Takam). It was named after Yehuda Koplovitz Almog, among the first settlers in the region and a founder of the potash plant at the northern Dead Sea, subsequently the Dead Sea Works at Sodom.

The kibbutz earns its living from winter agriculture based on salty-soil cultivation: date orchards, field crops, and grapes, and raises turkeys and dairy cows.

Almog is a partner in the Attractzia Water Park on the shores of the Dead Sea, and in the AHAVA plant which makes health and cosmetics products from the natural minerals of the Dead Sea.

Along with agriculture, we at Almog also work in tourism - with our holiday village, restaurant, museum, and special events organizing and production services.

We hope to see you here at Kibbutz Almog!


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