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Synagogen in Berlin:

Oranienburger Strasse  



In 1866 the New Synagogue was inaugurated with over 3000 seats (architect Eduard Knoblauch and August Stuehler). The increasing number of liberal Jews caused a need of a synagogue of their own. The oriental inner and outer design followed the fashion and the taste of the time. The building represented the self-confidence of Jewish community It had an organ and a choir. Women sat on the balcony (1000 seats). On the Kristallnacht it remained undamaged because a courageous police officer preserved it being burnt down. Services took place until 1940 when the army misused the building as a military clothing store.

In November 1943 it was heavily damaged by allied bombing and in 1958 it was demolished except for the front facade and entrance, which remained as a memorial. The restoration of this front section began in 1988, in May 1995 it was opened in May 1995 as a museum showing the history of the synagogue with changing exhibitions, which are provided by the Centrum Judaicum Neue Synagoge Foundation.

In the same complex the Centrum Judaicum has its archives for research, the Jewish adult education center (Juedische Volkshochschule) organizes courses, lectures and cultural events and Jewish Community maintains a library as well as social work activities and a mikva (ritual bath).

The red brick building next door - inaugurated in 1933 as a Jewish museum - is a center for immigrants from the former Soviet Union. It also houses the Jewish Gallery with exhibitions by Russian Jewish artists and the Berlin branch of the Zentrale Wohlfahrtsstelle (Central Welfare Agency) which provides social services and different club activities.

In the 'small synagogue' (80 seats) egalitarian service

started in April 1998.

Oranienburger Straße / Berlin Mitte

Etchings by ©Hanah Thiede

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