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Mit oder ohne Mordechais Unterstützung:
EIN ISRAEL hofft auf Sieg in der ersten Runde

By Yossi Verter, Ha'aretz Political Correspondent
© copyright 1999 Ha'aretz. All Rights Reserved

Competing theories are being bandied about in One Israel regarding Ehud Barak's chances of winning the race for prime minister in the first round and how Yitzhak Mordechai's candidacy or withdrawal would affect these chances.

Jizhak MordechajSome figures in One Israel are lobbying for Barak to approach Mordechai with a "serious offer" in order to persuade the Center Party leader to drop out of the race for prime minister before the first round of elections on May 17. Such a route would include Barak offering Mordechai the Defense portfolio since "the possibility of removing Netanyahu from power next week is worth any price."

Barak believes, however, that Mordechai should make the decision to step out of the race on his own, and that any public or secret call for him to join ranks would only make Mordechai more determined to stay in the race.

Meanwhile, sources close to Barak suspect that this more passive strategy could change if, during the last days of the campaign, it becomes apparent that Mordechai's support would guarantee Barak a first round victory. Other figures in One Israel are becoming convinced that Barak can defeat Netanyahu in the first round even if Mordechai stays in the race. This view is based on the premise that Mordechai would only take votes away from Netanyahu. Another reason behind this first-round optimism is the assumption that MK Azmi Bishara will withdraw his prime ministerial candidacy.

CLICK l'Ehud!!! il1.jpg (854 Byte)

If Barak is, nonetheless, forced into a second round, his advisers are confident that he can meet with the newly elected Knesset factions but still stay above the fray, while Netanyahu, whose credibility is widely questioned, will be forced to get involved in the nitty-gritty of written coalition agreements.

17.Mai 1999 17.Mai 1999

haGalil onLine - Montag 10-05-99

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