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The defense minister considers the signing of a military agreement between the two states, which would encompass military cooperation in the broadest sense, an essential aspect of future relations

Defense Minister Pavao Miljavac held a press conference at which he summarized the most important aspects of his recent official visit to Israel. Miljavac emphasized that all of his ministry's objectives for this visit were achieved. He expressed satisfaction over the level of cooperation between Croatia and Israel in this field, saying that this was the most successful visit to Israel by a Croatian delegation since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1997.

When asked by a reporter to comment the statement of an Israeli opposition deputy in the Knesset who said that a military agreement with Croatia is "like selling our souls for a hundred million dollars," Miljavac only noted that Israel is a country in which everyone has the right to say what they think. He added, however, that for Croatia it is important what the decision-makers and those who guide policy think. "This is not just a matter of selling Israeli technology to Croatia, because we will be working together as partners," said Miljavac. He stressed that this was also the view of Ilan Biran, the general director of the Israeli defense ministry. Biran, noted Miljavac, spoke of long-term cooperation between the two states.

Moshe Ahrens und
sein Kollege Pavao Miljavac

ahrens.jpg (12096 Byte)

Cooperation will also take the form of joint military production, including assault rifles.

Miljavac said that assault rifle production would be conducted under the aegis of the Croatian firm RH Alan, which will contract various manufacturers in Croatia. Israeli experts have already visited Croatia and toured the companies that will be involved in production, and the further implementation of this project will commence very soon.

Reporters were interested in the total costs of modernizing Croatia's MiGs, but Miljavac only said this has not yet been established because it depends on the number of planes and the extent of necessary upgrading. "The first two planes," said Miljavac, "will be refitted in Israel, and after that the job will be continued in the Aircraft Technology Department in Velika Gorica, where Croatian technicians will be trained." (C.W.)

Scharfe Kritik von Jossi Beilin und Efraim Zuroff am Waffengeschäft mit Kroatien:
Wird eine unselige Tradition fortgesetzt?

haGalil onLine - Montag 01-03-99

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