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Sharons Schritte, damit Foren Orte
des ernsthaften Austauschs und wertvoller Information bleiben:
Beleidigung und Verletzung im Internet
The International Herald Tribune

Wenn Sie Nachrichten schreiben, beachten Sie dieselben Höflichkeitsregeln als würden Sie von Angesicht zu Angesicht mit jemandem reden. Üble Behauptungen, Lügen, Einschüchterungen, Verfluchungen, Verächtlichmachungen, Beleidigungen und sonstige persönliche Angriffe sind nicht hinnehmbar.
Es ist in Ordnung unterschiedliche Meinungen und Ideen zu vertreten aber immer mit Respekt gegenüber der anderen Person.
Beachten Sie auch, dass die Nachrichten die Meinung des Verfassers wiederspiegeln und nicht die der Betreiber dieses Forums oder der Moderatoren.

Always remember:
Not every site manager is willing to contact you
prior to take more serious steps!

1. Some people like very hard talk. The most efficient way to avoid insult and harassment on the Internet is simply to be calm and sensible. Be aware, that internet is not virtual reality. Insult, thread and harassment are very real. The damage some people cause to communities can be enormous.

2. Be it on the Internet or in the "real" world, insult and harassment is insult and harassment. Have you been a victim? Write a letter to the site manager and let him (or her) know. He or she may know the person and may be able to contact the harasser. If the phenomenon repeats itself and of course, if it gets worse, contact the police, so they will pay a visit to the harasser. If you receive mail from a known 'provo' getting explanations about other people this person hates especially, send copy to the site manager. Such behaviour is the definite proof for insane hatred and a very problematic personal structure.

3. Harasser, remember: You can easily be caught and not every site manager is willing to contact you prior to take more serious steps.

4. Chose a suitable chat room. The name "Nocturnal Orgasms" gives you a fairly broad hint about the kind of conversations at that site and about the nature of what is acceptable there. If somebody opens a conversation with phrases like "I am Your nightmare" or "I easily can get you an ulcer" immediately stop that conversation.

5. Adults should keep out of kiddies' rooms and vice versa. Once you have chosen a suitable chat room, take a look at the users' names, listen in to the conversation for a few minutes and, once you have understood the nature of the conversation, decide whether to stay or to continue to another room.

6. Harassment is always the fault of the harasser. One sick person can keep the site manager more busy then hundreds of normal users and many rooms had to be closed down to calm the maniak or were destroyed by the necessity to erase insults.

7. Do not do unto others what you would not have done unto you. That includes harassment, impoliteness and obscenities.

8. Always remember: We came here to have a good time.

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