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History Quiz

Quiz: History

  1. The First Temple was destroyed by:
    the Egyptians under Pharoah
    the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar
    the Romans under Titus
    the Persians under Cyrus
    the Greeks under Alexander the Great

  2. The Second Temple was destroyed by:
    the Egyptians under Pharoah
    the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar
    the Romans under Titus
    the Persians under Cyrus
    the Greeks under Alexander the Great

  3. Shortly after the death of King Solomon:
    the Jews lived in peace for the next two centuries
    Alexander the Great conquered the Land of Israel
    the Babylonians destroyed the Temple Solomon had built
    there was a civil war and the country divided into two kingdoms
    King David ascended to the throne

  4. King Herod was:
    the child of Jewish parents descended from the tribe of Judah
    the child of Idumeans, a people forceably converted to Judaism by the Hasmoneans
    a Roman citizen of non-Jewish parents, who claimed Jewish status in order to rule over Judea
    an "emigrant" from Babylonia who worked his way up the Roman political ladder
    the illegitimate nehphew of the Roman emperor, Nero

  5. The Hasmonean Dynasty became corrupt because, among other changes they:
    took Mastercard but not Visa
    adopted the Greek calendar in place of the Jewish calendar
    changed the schedule of sacrifices in the Temple
    made circumcision optional
    combined the roles of the king and the High Priest

  6. This French monarch began the emancipation of the Jews in modern Europe:
    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Louis XVI
    Alexander the Great
    Antiochus Ephiphanes IV

  7. The term applied to secret Jews during the Spanish Inquisition:

  8. The name of the family which led the insurrection against Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 167 B.C.E.:
    the Abrahams
    the Judeans
    the Cohanes
    the Levis
    the Maccabees

  9. Bar Kochba led a rebellion against:
    the Midianites
    the Philistines
    the Babylonians
    the Hellenists
    the Romans

  10. The first Jewish book printed by a printing press with movable type, in 1483, was:
    the prayerbook
    the Bible
    the Talmud
    a volume of responsa
    the Shulkhan Arukh

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