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LEO BAECK (1873 - 1956)

German rabbi and religious thinker, leader of Progressive Judaism, Baeck was born in Lissa (now Poland) the son of Rabbi Samuel Baeck. Leo Baeck first studied at the Conservative Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau and from 1894 at the liberal Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin. At the same time he also enrolled in philosophy at the University of Breslau and at the University of Berlin.

Baeck served as rabbi in Oppeln, Duesseldorf and Berlin (from 1912 on), and as an army chaplain in World War I. In 1912 he began lecturing on midrashic literature and homiletics at the Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums (the Academy for the Science of Judaism, a seminary for liberal rabbis and educators).

In 1933 he declared that the „thousand-year" history of the German Jews had come to an end. During the Nazi period he was the head of the Reichsvertretung, which represented German Jews. He rejected all possibilities to escape and to serve as a rabbi or scholar abroad. He declared that he would remain with the last minjan of Jews in Germany as long as possible.
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1934 in a Berlin Synagogue
Photo: A. Pisaro





In 1943 he was deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp. There he continued to encourage and to support people as far as possible. Thus, he became a „witness of his faith", He survived and in July 1945 he shifted to London. Leo Baeck became president of the council of Jews from Germany and chairman of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. From 1948 until his death he lectured intermittently about issues covering history of religion at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.

Leo Baeck Institute for the study of the history of the Jews from German-speaking countries was established in his name, and he served as its first president.

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Leo Baeck, Lily Montagu, Martin Buber


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