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Archivierte Meldungen aus den Jahren 1995 - 1999

Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism

Nach der Presseaktion der Goldman Foundation:
Überfüllte Synagogen zu den Hohen Feiertagen

The Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) reported full to overflowing synagogue attendance throughout the country during Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, with an estimated 20,000 persons filling 27 IMPJ-affiliated synagogues and additional facilities rented for the high holy days. In at least one instance, hundreds of people followed services over loud speakers outside.

The attendance at most congregations was estimated to be double that of last year. At least some of the increase is being attributed to an unprecedented ad campaign undertaken in conjunction with Israel's Masorti (Conservative) Movement just prior to the holidays. The ads were made possible by a grant from the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Foundation of San Francisco. Billboards, bus advertising and newspaper supplements highlighted the pluralistic nature of Judaism with the slogan: "There is more than one way to be Jewish." 

Many of the billboards were torn down by ultra-Orthodox youths. A a radio campaign, was declared as offensive by Orthodox Jews but Israel State Radio did broadcast after a decission of the Supreme Court. For radio use Masorti and IMP leaders agreed to change the slogan "This is our way". Besides the increased holiday synagogue attendance, the ads brought many phone inquiries about membership in the non-Orthodox movements, and even requests for information on how to form congregations.

haGalil 10-99

Ejn lanu Erez achereth! / Wir haben kein anderes Land!

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