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Visions of the Inferno


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One day my parents-in-law were brought into the camp and I was called to the commandant’s office where I was confronted with them. Now they unveiled my trick as I had declared "mixed marriage" so that I would not be deported from Sered. My fake "mixed marriage" went up in smoke and the commandant said to me:

"Now you will go to Auschwitz on ‘special recommendation’!"

To Auschwitz-Birkenau

On the next day we were loaded into an armoured cattle truck and the most horrible trip of my life began - the trip to Auschwitz. Inside the wagon we were only able to stand. We were densely packed and nearly maddened by fear. Some already died during the transport. And so, some of us began to speak quietly about an escape as suddenly one man stopped us by threatening to report on us to the guards, who were sitting with rifles on the roofs of each wagon. He was an undercover informer.

After an endless journey without water and food, the train arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau. With shouts they chased us out of the wagons: "Raus! Raus!"

Dia 7/31


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