Jom haSchoah
German Language Entrance


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Liskhor velo lishkoah!

Visions out of the Infernal Dark

A call for Your help!
The impressive response of our readers, from Europe, Israel and the Americas, showed the necessity of a service like ours. To further develop and improve this service, we had to ask for support for our work (advertizers, sponsors...). Here in Germany this is not an easy task...

Are You ready?
Take action against German-Antisemitism on the web!

haGalil onLine is one of the largest and most diverse Jewish WebSites in the World. Diversity is not just an idealistic goal, but an obvious reality to everybody dealing with jewish issues. It has always been our strength, whilst intolerance and separation have always weakened the whole of the Jewish People.

haGalil onLine is published mainly in German. We live in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. One of our goals is to document, that Judaism is still alive here. We started out of mere idealism - and just carried on, when we saw how many people responded to our site.

Bestellung via haGalil

[German Entrance]