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Subject: Mordechai Vanunu petition

Nach elf Jahren Einzelhaft:

Dear friends,

Moredechai Va'nunu is now in his twelfth year in prison. He is held in solitary confinement in conditions described by Amnesty International as "cruel, inhuman and degrading." Chances for his release by the end of this year, when two thirds of his prison term would be over, are slim.

We ask you to join an Israeli petition for his release, which we intend to publish in major Israeli newspapers. It says:

Eleven years of solitary confinement -- Free Mordechay Va'nunu!

In plain Hebrew:
Achat-Esre Shanim be-MaAsar BeVidud -- Yeshuchrar Mordechai Va'nunu!

We need your help and support:

  • JOIN the petition, either by e-mail or by sending a short note to P.O. Box 17303, 61173 Tel-Aviv.
  • ASK you friends to join the petition: There are too few of us around to do it all by ourselves!
  • DONATE money for publishing the petition: We don't have any!
    Send cheques to the order of Atzumat Va'nunu (The Va'nunu Petition), Bank HaPoalim, Ramat Aviv Branch, Account No. 606-380027
  • SEND us names of individuals who might join the petition.
  • FORWARD this message to anyone who might be interested.

Contact us:

Gadi Algazi Homepage:

Dept. of History, Tel Aviv University
69978 Ramat Aviv, Israel
tel: ++972-3-6409454 or 6409458
fax: ++972-3-6422141 or 6406229

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