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The Netanyahu government is about to invest hundreds of millions of dollars
in order to turn the settlements into fortified strongpoints, like the ones
in Lebanon, and to build "bypass roads" to them. For this purpose, it is
asking for more than a billion dollars from the US administration.
This is complete madness,
as even a child understands by now that there can be no future for the
settlements in the territories where the State of Palestine is certain
to become into being. Tens of thousands of settlers, who have come to
the occupied territories to find "quality of life" are already making
it clear that they prefer to come back to Israel, in return for
appropriate compensations.
Not one more shekel should be wasted on these settlements. The money
should be devoted to a practical purpose: to pay just compensation to
the settlers, equal to the amount that they have invested in their
homes in the settlements.
The houses thus abandoned should be
offered for sale to Palestinian citizens.
Today the choice is clear to nearly
Either settlements or peace - The great
majority chooses peace.
An Apology
Gush Shalom apologizes to the
hundreds of people which came Tuesday to the Tsavta Hall in Tel-Aviv for
the public debate about Seffi Rachlewsky’s book, "The Donkey of the
Messiah", and could not get in for lack of seats. We did not expect this
and shall make an effort to organize a second event on this theme.
Gush Shalom at Ha’aretz
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