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.1998 ìéøôàá 10 ,"õøàä" ,íåìù ùåâ úòãåî


Since the Oslo agreement, the frontlines have changed.

Not any more a struggle of all the Israelis against all the Palestinians, but rather a struggle of the peace-lovers of both nations against the war-mongers of both nations.

The whole world is involved in this struggle, because the whole world will be effected by its outcome.

GUSH SHALOM has signed – together with all the other peace movements in Israel – a letter calling upon the president of the United States, Bill Clinton, and the president of the European Union, Tony Blair, to fulfil their duty for peace.

For many years, Israeli war-mongers have sent delegations to Congressmen and extreme right-wing antisemitic groups in the US, in order to mobilize them against the Oslo agreement and the Rabin government. Now they cry out against our initiative. Their hypocrisy is disgusting.

Yet we do not forget for one moment: Our main battlefield is here, in Israel. Our main task is to convince the Israeli public.

In this fateful struggle, you too have a job to do.

Gush Shalom at haAretz, April 10, 1998.

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Table of Contents: Gush haShalom - íåìùä ùåâ :ïëåú


03 - 522 17 32 øôñéîá åðúéà åøù÷úä
Israel - ìàøùé 61033 áéáà-ìú 3322 ã''úì åáúë åà

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