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Visions of the Inferno

The Way of Burden
Original report by Adolf Frankl


I had to do weaving work in the terrible cold and often the needle would get stuck to my fingers, and I could hardly work any longer.

Camp Life

I only had the one goal to survive and my mind was very alert. I volunteered for any work I could get; so I became a carpenter, a hair-dresser, a tailor, and much more.

The work was very hard, the food became less and less. The hunger got unbearable, I was beaten, slapped, and kicked.

 After a while I just staggered of weakness but the mere thought of survival for my family gave me enormous strength.

Everything I experienced at the camp craved my mind to one huge sketch book.

Adolf Frankl

Ein Ausstellungsprojekt unter der Schirmherrschaft
des Hochkommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte.



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