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Aktiv gegen Nazi-Propaganda!
Jüdische Weisheit
Archivierte Meldungen aus den Jahren 1995 - 1999

Das Land


Many objectives demand priority, as the Prime Minister Elect is building a new government coalition.

  • Enacting a constitution
  • Strengthening the courts
  • Instituting education for democracy
  • Breaking religious coercion
  • Redistributing national resources justly
  • Cleaning up the political system

All these are indeed praiseworthy aims. But all of them are insignificant compared to the one outstanding national aim: PEACE.

There exists now a historical opportunity to achieve within a year peace agreements with Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. To put an end to the hundred-years-old conflict. To save the lives of hundreds and thousands. To stop those, on both sides, who work untiringly to make peace impossible.

This is the one task that comes before all others. The composition of the new coalition must provide the force necessary for its implementation – in the government, in the Knesset, in the national referendum and on the ground.

Gush Shalom, Ha’aretz, June, 1999

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Gusch Schalom

Stop supporting the Settlements!
Ask the Gush office for the list of products by mail, telephone or e-mail.

Every Shekel for the Settlements is a Shekel against peace!

Die hier archivierten Artikel stammen aus den "Anfangsjahren" der breiten Nutzung des Internet. Damals waren die gestalterischen Möglichkeiten noch etwas ursprünglicher als heute. Wir haben die Artikel jedoch weiterhin archiviert, da die Informationen durchaus noch interessant sein können, u..a. auch zu Dokumentationszwecken.

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