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Nazi War Criminal Lileikis May Be Called To Court

The Vilnius medical commission has permitted to call to court Alexander Lileikis, who is charged with wa crimes in World war II, but warned that stress can be fatal for his life. "Mr. Lileikis’ present state of health allows him to participate in court sessions and testify, but any stress situation might provoke a state dangerous for is life", says the conclusion published on Monday. According to the commission’s chairman Henrikas Ulevicius, this formulation meant that the physicians "shared the responsibility" with the judges. Now the court has to decide whether to call Lileikis.

LileikisThe physicians decided on this conclusion after getting acquainted to the earlier documents about Lileikis’ health, but without examining Lileikis himself. The chairman of the commission had earlier mentioned such a proceeding as possible.

Lileikis’ defender Algirdas Matuiza expressed his dissatisfaction with the decision: "How can they allow him to participate in a court session if he lies in bed and cannot help himself." According to Matuiza, Lileikis cannot get to the court "except with his bed".

The defenders of Lileikis successfully created an atmosphere , in which the majority of Lithuanian society considers Lileikis being a victim rather than one of the greates Nazi War criminals. The former head of Lithuanian security police is said to be responsible for about 70.000 victims, mostly jews. The accused has lost his US-citizenship in 1996. Pressure by US-Justice Ministry and by Efraim Zuroff, head of Wisenthal Center in Jerusalem led to the trial, which has been postponed then for several times.

The Vilnius district court had formed the commission out of five physicians on 10 September and committed it to carry out an expertise on Lileikis’ health after the accused hadn’t appeared to the session the day before. Lileikis is 91 years old and suffers from about 20 diseases, most of which are incurable, and passes much time in hospital. Lileikis is accused of condemning to physical annihilation 75 Jews, of whose only one escaped, when he was head of the Vilnius Saugumas (Security Police) from June, 1941 to July, 1944. Lileikis categorically denies his guilt.

"The stress of Lileikis is one which his victims will not be able to share" Efraim Zuroff bitterly states.


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haGalil onLine - Samstag, 14. Dezember 2013

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