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An Israeli Answer to an Open Letter from Palestine:
Gemeinsam für einen gerechten Frieden

While approaching with increasingly somber expectations the "ultimate hour of truth" of the Oslo process it was very refreshing to read the "Message to the Israeli and Jewish Public" signed by some hundred Palestinian intellectuals among them a lot of public figures. Did you already see it? If not, you find the complete text, including the signatories here.

As a reaction all kind of initiatives sprang up. There is an initiative  to get this published as an ad in Ha'aretz (more about this: Sergio <>), a Hebrew translation was made (ask Roni <>) - and there has been produced "an Israeli answer" among whose initiators was Uri Avnery and which is also intended for publication (coordinator: Asher <>).

While some slightly different versions are circulating,  attached is the definite version of "The
Israeli Answer". Those who have problems opening attachments can find the text - together with the Palestinian appeal - on the Gush Shalom site

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What if we've all been wrong about the peace process?
Arafath oder das Volk von Palästina?

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